i like my work!
i really do...
but the last guy was right, you need to add features, like i said yesterday...
like the helichopper! hehe, yes, i love redoing artowrk of people, because i can go with what i've seen and then add to it.
i like my work!
i really do...
but the last guy was right, you need to add features, like i said yesterday...
like the helichopper! hehe, yes, i love redoing artowrk of people, because i can go with what i've seen and then add to it.
hehe ight bro ill do it ill add something good...
lemme letcha in on a secret of mine...
level : 6
lines : 7...wtf with that?!
score : 22670
music = excellante.
gfx = shittay, go back to the originals from v.2
not letting me know a new tetris was out = a mean thing to do to the guy who made your site.
interactivity = good, controls never sucked, i think...
but i havta vote high, where would i be without my #1 forum raider?
hehe thanks man.. er oh and if it wernt for zpappa pushing me on i would have never made this version
shit man, i wear headphones when im on the computer! and at the end your game freaked and rapidly reloaded my gunner station, the squares qwouldnt go away, and i couldnt fire, besides that there was a high pitched shrill sound, and now i have a headache!!!!
yeah, its a little hi pitched. ahem.
Age 93, Male
Joined on 11/22/02